Friday, January 23, 2009

Needle Play

Needle play is a body art form in which needles of various gauges and lengths are inserted just under the skin to create patterns and designs. Needle play is also a very controlled and therapeutic way for me to deal with, release and heal deep and strong emotions without causing myself permanent scars or risking a lethal injury. This is my first experience with needle play. Having several body piercings done by my friend i was able to relax and completely submit to the process. Thanks to Chris for asking me to sit for him, the result is beautiful and healing.
My friend is a skilled body piercer and artist. The needles used in this pattern are 25 gauge and there were 44 needles used to create the nautilus on my back. This is the first in a series of needle play sessions that will be photographed to build his portfolio and hopefully get him published. I, and my therapeutic needs are only too happy to volunteer for the piercing. There is amazingly little pain with each singular piercing, but the cumulative effect is stunning.

Monday, January 28, 2008


My Daughter is the most beautiful person outside and in. She just radiates light and joy and makes me so proud. This was the most magical day of our trip in Tibet. We were at the Potala Palace and it snowed almost 4 inches while were there. The quiet seemed to fill the space and a thousand years of prayers were thick enough to transcend the cold.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


My son painted this when he was in kindergarten. They were learning about the rainbow.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


My Daughter took this photo of herself in a glass orb that hangs on oneof my windchimes. She finds great peace exploring the world through her camera lense. She is a source of raw inspiration to me.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It is amazing how many of these things are parked on top of one another. Sometimes the stack is 8 deep and 2 high. I wonder how the owner finds his scooter?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This weeks topic of "Cold" brought back very special memories of a trip I took with my Daughter toTibet. We are at the Potala Palace. Our guide, told us that in the 9 years of escorting visitors through this monastery, this was the first time it had snowed on him. He said that made our visit a very special day. He was right!

Monday, October 1, 2007